A sparrow gets married in an arbor of flowers in the jungle. The guests include parrots, squirrels, rabbits and deer and peacocks and a lot of other animals. That, was the theme of one of my drawings. Cut me a little slack, ok, considering that I was only 8 years old at the time.
Apparently, the judges of the competition found the drawing cute. The prize distribution ceremony was to be held in a big auditorium and every child who won was given 2 passes so the parents could attend. I suppose other guests had to buy the tickets. How many people do you think went with me to the ceremony? That’s a good guess. The afore-mentioned 21!
My parents, 1 set of grandparents, 1 great uncle, 1 great aunt, 3 uncles and 2 aunts with their respective spouses, and 5 assorted cousins.
When I went onstage, the uncles whistled, all 5 cousins yelled while the women in our group sniffled. Did I mention I got a silver medal? Along with approximately 30-40 others who also got silver medals? The only thing that set me apart was this huge personal cheerleading squad that went with me. If I had been older, I would probably have cringed with embarrassment. Thankfully, I wasn’t!
I no longer remember where I put the medal. I suppose the certificate must also be lying around somewhere. What’s never left me is that warm glow of affection. I was a princess, surrounded by so many loyal admirers.
Thank God, for loved ones who help make molehills out of mountains of difficulties, and mountains out of molehills of happiness!
Good one.. :) Nice blog you got here.. Keep writing. :)
reminds me of a drawing i made at age 4 on a slate with chalk - lotsa sticks and circles and things (signifying the various parts of my parents anatomy) - which at best could be called atrocious........my dad got it photo-transferred to art paper, got it framed and hung it in the living room and proudly displayed it to every visitor to our house. this went on for every thing i did, achieved or just plain landed in - it was praised to the roof. it gave me the confidence to do a lot of things and to actually go on to achieve a lot in life. but more than the prizes and certs and money and power and position what stays with me is the memory of the framed picture of my parents in our living room and the love that earned it a place there!!!
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