March 16, 2007

Mr And Mrs Sniff

Late one evening, my better half says, "Hey, I forgot to tell you. One of my colleagues and his wife may drop in later for a coffee." I don't know the guy, but, no problem. Friends often drop in unexpectedly at our place, so that's fine.
We are both wrapped up in our respective books when the doorbell rings. She sniffles as soon as she steps into the living room. "I smell a rose, please, throw it out. I'm allergic to roses." Heck, I can't throw it out. It's attached to the stem of one of my prized rosebushes. But I do ask the better half to temporarily shift it to the far corner of the terrace.
She is a schoolteacher, I find out. (Some poor kids must be traumatized for life!) "Children these days are so precocious, you know. When I was in school..." I kind of tune out a little after that. I'm thinking of my rosebush out in the cold.
Would they like to have some snacks, I ask. There's this delicious thing I bought from Indore. "Only if it's not made from gram flour. My husband gets this reaction, you know. Itching and stuff." Eeyuck. How about a slice of cake instead? "Eggless, right?" Right!
After the (thankfully eggless) cake (she prefers pineapple,actually) she gets up to wash her hands. In 2 seconds flat she's outta the loo, a finger daintily tucked under the tip of her nose. "Tch, sandalwood freshner makes me sneeze. Got out in time." Well, she can use the loo in the master bedroom. No, wait, it has a rose air freshner. Ok, the one in my office upstairs. That one, has a lemon scented freshner. Will that make her disappear? No, unfortunately not.
Time for coffee to wash down the cake. "None for me, actually. It keeps me awake all night, you know". Hot chocolate, I offer. Host's duty and all that righteous crap. "Oh, that will be fine."
One sip and she says, "Full fat milk, huh? Tastes good. But you really ought to switch to low fat, cow's milk, you know. Low cholestrol, much healthier."
Much later, that night, the better half quizzes me, "Was that really an accident?"
I turn to him with wide, innocent eyes and say, "Why, honey, I genuinely caught my toe on a thread in the carpet. Do you think I'd purposely hit a guest on the head with a tray?"


r a w said...

I would love to make her drink "phenyl" or whatever it is that you use to clean the loo.. :)

Him-Pathik said...

Nice one! I sure like your sense of humour!! Subtle one!

Him-Pathik said...

Nice one!!! Like that subtle humor!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!! LOL! That was hilarious! You are the best hostess one could ask for hehe :-)

Ritu said...

Very nice, I just wandered into your blog via indiblogger. I like your sense of humour.

Anonymous said...


Does Mrs Sniff has an internet connection? I would love to see the reaction of Mrs Sniff after reading this post.

prasaad said...

Amazing ! Simply & really cool ! As doc suggested me to check out your blogs !

He is absolutely right ... These all things are not his "Cup of tea /Coffee"

Beautiful & flawless writing style mam ! Very nice to read & enjoy too! Pra...Saad